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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Explanation of Absence

Some of you may have noticed I have been a bit unreliable with my posting lately and I am sorry about that. I have enjoyed working on this blog quite a bit and appreciate all of the support and kinds words I have received. However, over the weekend I had a chance to read the release of the most recent CIA and Senate Intelligence Reports and found them very troubling and discouraging to say the least. It isn't that I didn't suspect things of this sort were happening, however I always liked to give our government the benefit of the doubt and confirmation of such scenarios and the way we learned of it (Bush & co still refuse to acknowledge the reports which amazes me) was a little much. In response to these reports along with Bush's most recent Military Tribunal Proposal I have decided to put most of my time elsewhere. I have for some time been jaded by the two major parties in the US and have therefore been a member of the Libertarian Party. I try to avoid politics on this blog (sorry about today's news) and with the upcoming 2006 elections around the corner I have decided to do what I can to help. I have created a Libertarian Story & News Network to compile all news related to the party and candidates and have linked the Candidate Tracker Profiles provided by the National Party where appropriate. I will do my best to post on this blog when possible, but it is unlikely that it will be daily until at least after the elections. Thanks again for the support and enjoy today's posting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA! I was wondering how long it would take you. Give em hell :)