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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Iron & Wine - Southern Anthem

Song of the Day

Southern Anthem comes off of Iron & Wine's debut album "The Creek Drank the Cradle." Sam Beam who is the man behind the band also directs this powerful video. In a interview with Prefix Magazine he explains a bit behind the meaning of both the song and video:

"That whole song for me was more about the Southern identity, given all the stuff that people still deal with, repercussions of the Civil War. And then what I think is more sad is how it's gotten transfused into this media image, like Lynyrd Skynyrd, like flag-waving bullshit. It's just a silly translation of Southern culture.

That's more of what the song was about, the lost identity. But yeah, race definitely plays into it. We made the music video deal more specifically with that issue than I felt the song was, but for me that's what's fun about videos."

If for some reason you have yet to check this band out please do, Sam Beam has written some of the best music of the last five years. Period.

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