Have 10 to 15 minutes to kill and looking for something a little different to pass the time? Good to hear because this site is dedicated to bringing clips, games & other engaging media, which may be flying a bit under the radar, to the forefront. Have yourself a look around, you're sure to find something to help pass the time.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Site of the Day

This game doesn't actually have a name as far as I know so I just came up with "Refraction." Designed by someone who goes by the name Hawkpeng79, this game requires you to place mirrors in strategic locations so that you may aim beams of light at color coded dots. The first two levels are rather basic, however after that you begin to mix the different colored beams and things start to get interesting. The site itself appears to be Chinese so you may experience some minor scripting issues, however I have not had any problems with the gameplay. Simply drag the mirror on to the grid and then click on it to change the angle. It is a simple concept, but well executed and is worth checking out.

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