Have 10 to 15 minutes to kill and looking for something a little different to pass the time? Good to hear because this site is dedicated to bringing clips, games & other engaging media, which may be flying a bit under the radar, to the forefront. Have yourself a look around, you're sure to find something to help pass the time.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Site of the Day

You remember Simon, right? In the 80s this was one hot toy and heck it even helped improve your memory, or so they claimed. Nowadays kids (and adults!)are busy playing mind games such as Brain Age or Sodoku, but back then it was all flashing colors, monotone sound & good ole' fashion memorization. So did you break the toy or lose it some time ago, well no worries because you can relive those glory days on your PC now. Just click the link and enjoy.

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